Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti's babies and our dilema

Like you, I've been touched by the scenes coming across my television screen this week. I'm especially sad to see the children. I heard with complete shock that Haiti had approxomately 50,000 children in orphanages.....before the earthquake!!!The number now is staggering!

I find a warming in my heart when I see images of rescued babies cradled in the arms of rescue workers! This is good. This is what motivates Americans to act first and act strongly in disasters.....regardless of location. I've seen these scenes faraway places where American soldiers are both fighting and keeping the peace.....they also rise to help the sick and wounded...rescue and comfort children.... Thank you American soldiers.

Here's my deeper hurt.....and my deeper personal conviction. America generously gives....helps rescue....and virtually moves mountains to rescue hurting children and babies in other lands. Simultaneously....our courts and politicians say its ok....even merciful and kill one and a half million American babies each year in abortion clinics all over this land. Thats 1.5 million babies X 39 years..... or 58.5 million babies.....eliminated doctors who promised to "to no harm". I'm finding this hypocrisy cutting deeper and deeper into my soul. The people of the "land of the free and the home of the brave"...kill babies and calls it health care! The country which champions "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"....kills unwanted babies.

This week, I also saw interviews of several families from American cities desperately wanting to adopt babies...even from Haiti. They must seek adoptive children from Haiti, China and Malaysia......not enough babies here.....and too much red tape....and expensive.

Where is justice? Where are the defenders of life? 58 million babies disposed of as football games played out....World Series games unfolded....iPhones were center stage.

We give and we go.....we mobilize and we organize .....we seek to preserve life. That number...... 58 million...... is a large number. It represents America's dilema......and perhaps....our shame.

Here is my dilema to wrestle with...think about....join me. How is it that soldiers, trained to babies....and doctors, trained to save lives....kill them???

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