Just Say Goodbye to Eric Holder!
Amazing ......a three year discussion has unfolded both here and on Facebook. The topic has been...Cabinet...Czars...and advisors to the prez. This voice has persisted on the lack of experience and balance on the part of these "directors" of the American dream.I've been writing consistently on those advisors who have a direct connection to the Oval Office. Interesting to me...in that..... while I've cited facts...and posed questions....my debate partners cite my lack of balance and my intolerance. Both are "tired" commentary but I've keep commenting. My concern started with the admission by the Black Panthers that they were at the Polling location....carried clubs....and spoke about who to vote for....but their defense was that they had no ill-intent. Holder dismissed the case. Parenthetically....my friend, who is a long-time poll volunteer locally, mentioned to her table mates during a slow period on voting day 2008.....that she hoped more Republicans would show up to vote. She was dismissed from her volunteer efforts as being a hindrance to the "democratic process"....for making partisan comments. I'm at a loss at the standards we either ignore or enforce.
Back to Eric Holder. Do you remember who was the defender of the building of the mosque at Ground Zero. Yes...it was Eric Holder who jumped in and again, defended anti-Americans. That would be C.A.I.R.....also known as the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same group who is taking over Libya and Egypt. Meanwhile ....Holder dismisses the case against the Black Panthers. You decide!
10 months ago after hearing about Fast and Furious....I began the process of watching the news...listing to the left and right....but somewhat suspicious as more and more questions were raised....and less and less real information was disclosed from the AG office. An American Border Guard was killed because of the actions surrounding F & F. Sounds important to me...at least.
Now .....almost a year later...guess what??? In the space of just a couple days .....three instances of sworn testimony by the AG in front of Congress have been retracted by AG Eric Holder......AND....the White House now is exercising Executive Privilege...over the matter. Senators and the Congressional Committee are pressing for more information....as more revealing information comes to light....retractions come and the White House puts up a wall. America's elected leaders are seeing less and less of the requested information from the AG. As the lawyer says...."if you have nothing to hide....tell the truth". This latest blockage is coming from the 2008 "open and transparent" prez!!!!!
I remember a minor incident in the sixties...hardly got noticed for a while....suppressed truth ....you might say.
As soon as the press got wind of it....investigations began...information was hidden. America demanded to know the truth. The Nixon White House was involved. You might remember the minor incident.....Watergate. We needed a stand-up president then....and now. That President ....Richard Nixon.....resigned the Presidency of the United States over that "small" incident. Goodbye...to Eric Holder.....or maybe Goodbye to........
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