As a Middle School Principal I quickly learned that things change quickly on the school campus. Perhaps the operant word here is "common sense". The potential for major problems escalating to crisis status is huge.....even with youngsters. The principal needs to continually know what is going on....who the players are .....and how emanent the coming crisis may be.
The best barometer for the perceptive principal is to be where things are happening. The closer to the source he is, the greater the possibility to de-escalate, de-pressurize or eliminate the stress factors and thereby to neutralize, or at least stabilize, the problem. This sounds downright global in its scope and outcome.
This principal knew the school players well. I knew who needed watching.....who were the reliable informants....when the most man-power was needed....when to act and when to simply be visible....know who is responsible for the chaos and discipline them....and when safely and order is restored..... to enjoy the unique middle school atmosphere.
Things still happen. However.....pre-planning and anticipation of major issues goes a long way toward minimizing the traumatic outcomes. Sitting in the school office and doing nothing is shameful!
When will our administrative leaders apply such elementary lessons of leadership to our country? There is a threat to the well-being of our country. The threat comes in the form of a well-published agenda......destroy America and place it under shariah (islamic) law. Do it "under the radar screen". Recruit sympathic supporters from the mainstream. Spread terror and blame the terror on "overseas fringe" combatants. Use America's "religious freedom" as the smoke screen to operate. Anything like this occuring????
So....who is leading our country through this period? Who is watching? Who is seeking out the disruptive?.....the hateful?.....the terrorists? Who is American? Who are the sympathizers to islam's agenda? Anyone care?
This is a great piece. Very simple but direct and yet uncovers the vast amount of problems over there in Washington D.C. What we lack is true leadership...sad that most of these people here in the US take many things for granted.