Just a comment on the pastor burning the koran. I am more frustrated by our own government and their tap-dancing routines about separation of church and state.....followed by an obvious negative Christian bias. This deserves comment.
Note again....the government reaction...media comment....over-the-top doom sayers and their comments. Sad to hear O'reilly call the pastor .....repeatedly.....a nut-case and a loon.
It's ok to declare a community Nativity Scene a horrible abuse of the "pretend" separation clause.
It's ok to fire teachers for having a Bible on their desk.
It's ok to suggest court judges might have a "Christian" bias and disqualify them.
It's ok to "litmus test" people on their abortion stance.
It's ok to defend ACORN as providing services to "needy" people regardless of their tactics. Do we need more??? How about Planned Parenthood PAYING the abortion and death industry $300,000 for Birth Control pills but charging the US taxpayer $900,000 to cover other expences and "overhead". Did you catch that??...charge those who oppose abortion...the taxpayer....THREE times the actual cost for birth control pills.
There are more never-covered items to undermine America. Remember the "let me help you set up a "cat-house"....for under age girls and call it a "business". Remember that assistance exposed on film. Heard any follow up lately?....me neither.
So....back to koran-burning. Are you aware that a US soldier requested and received Bibles printed in the native language of Afganistan? They were for local adults who requested a Bible in their native language. Here's the interesting part.....5-5-2009....the Bibles were confiscated by the US Military....AND BURNED!!!! Yep...BIBLES BURNED. Now for the hypocrisy. Burn Bibles ok..burn koran...no way. Our media....our generals....our pres....all are appealing (and threatening) the pastor if he BURNS THE koran. Even the Black Panthers are threatening the pastor....but that's ok...it's always ok to pile-on when Christians are involved.
It isn't that I'm for burning books....but I'm hearing its ok to burn the US flag....it's ok to burn Bibles in Afganistan...we can accept students put in foreign prisons...we can speak "strongly" against be-headings and "honor-killings".but we just don't want to upset the "nice, peace-loving muslims" around the world. You know.....the 911 bombers and their friends....the muslim suicide bombers who didn't think twice when killing their own people in the markets and check-points of Iraq and Afganistan. (That's over 40,000 people blown up...murdered....since 2001).
I say....stand up for our Christian Nation....The United States of America....our values....our constitution.....and let(or send) the "ain't it awful about America people" ... to Third World countries to raise opium...try to make a living...fight off the cartels....live under tyrants or whatever they think is better than living here. Cool it with they threats against our own people....dare we mention Arizona???
Those Anti-American people can then write us about the joys of socialism...tyranny...and dictators in that new country they picked. Write us after ....lets say...three or four years.....give it chance.....don't be in a hurry to run back to this "terrible" capitalist nation. Enough with the hypocrisy in this government....
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