Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday night ....and Tuesday is coming!

I'm asking myself does Tuesday's senate election matter? I want to say yes. I'm working on a.... does.... mentality. I'm thinking....I must be optimistic! I have to believe that some election.....some place.... in our country matters.

Remember Senate votes in Minnesota? Seems whole precincts voted the same. Amazing!! Votes didn't count....politics did. Remember the Black Panthers with clubs at the polling places in Nov. 2008. 15 democrats this week at the hearing said...."They don't big deal". 48 other incidents regarding 2008 voter intimidation are still awaiting hearings. Mr. Holder is very busy arranging trials for islamic terrorists. (It is 2010...Thanks Mr. Attorney Gen.) How about New York's recent absentee votes in the congressional race.....didn't matter. Heard anything lately on this "too close to call" race? The television media reports this past Friday from Massachusetts politicians (1-15-10)...."Even if the Republican wins in Massachusetts....the outcome won't be certified until after the Healthcare vote". Go back to the rush to seat Al Franken in Minnesota. Remember ACORN? What happened to the multiple votes cast in Minnesota....some even by dead folks? Should we talk about the 12 other states where Acorn influenced voter registration? How's this for current life is America today?

So....Does the vote of Americans count? When I read about men who risked their life so Americans could vote.....who died for America.....who left loved ones to fight in lonely places....who ran into machine gun fire for America....who fought, ate and slept in the bitter winter cold for America...who came home wounded for America....when I read of these heroic men, I'm humbled. And then I think of vote-cheaters and miserable, arrogant "gate-keepers" protecting socialist causes on these same American shores.....I have to work hard to be optmistic.

I want my vote to count. I want your vote to count. Tuesday is coming in Massachusetts.....will the people vote? Who will count the vote? Will the outcome matter? Will we ever really know? I'm working hard on my optimism.

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