Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vote and Run

Several Democratic Party congressmen and senators have truly tipped their hand to America's voters. They have been "on board" the O-train since the beginning and are seeing the disaster of their party's ways. Their supportive votes on for terrorist trials... and a host of other anti-mainstream judge appointments and policies are making the home folks angry. When you add their regular and "airy" justification for not understanding O-Care, let alone a reading of it's maze-like politico-speak....they see it's time to "Vote and Run".

What are the results of their corporate sheeple marching? Debt...lots of it and growing! Unemployment...and lots of it. Lay-offs in virtually every town in America. Un-vetted Czars appointed for everything. Fringe characters regularly visiting the WH. Private, closed door meetings to determine America's future! Terrorists attacking America and killing or trying to kill the innocent. Tyranical leadership in both the House and Senate! Broken promises.

So....what's a senator to do???? "Gee...looks like we're in trouble.....I'm in trouble!! Wait a minute......I've got retirement, health benefits of my own...big bank account....friends in high places. That's it...I'll just "vote and run". Whew....for a couple seconds there , I was nervous. Maybe this situation actually might affect me....maybe I'm's someone else's fault....yes...that's's not my fault. Silly me....I'm going home to write my memoirs".

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