Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sarah is a force

The world of politics has prescribed tactics it employs in order for its members to move from one sphere of influence to another. Being popular and "local" is allowed. Influence is limited. Being popular and becoming regional in influence requires permission from Washington's kings and often, the queens. Without previous permission from the political czars, upward moves are strickly forbidden. There is a price to pay in upsetting the "rules".

Last night's interview beteen Greta and Sarah Palin reinforces that in my mind. Sarah seems to care about people. She seems to be interested in America. She seems sincere. She has answers to questions. She is articulate. She has done stuff.

I like people who are honest and have integrity. I like people who defend justice, their faith in God and their country. I tried to teach and model that position for 35 years. I didn't always do the right things. I learned and grew.

I like Sarah's courage and fire. The czars don't like either fire or courage. They like silent tax payers. They fight against both men and women who operate with principles and courage. It frightens them. It upsets their power dreams. It shifts the spotlight away from them.

This coming election will define us as a nation. It will speak loudly as to whether it will be .."we the people".....or we the politicians. Refreshing to me to see folks like Sarah stand tall. I trust there are thousands more.

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