Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marching to the Socialist Drumbeat!

Marching to the Socialist Drumbeat!

The date will be noted.  The day the Judges split 4-4 of just what constitutes a Government Mandate for Obamacare.  The split doesn't count.  One more vote needed.  The deciding vote was cast.  It was cast by Justice Roberts.....the man appointed by President George Bush.   He changed the course of American history.  His vote upheld a mandate...a government mandate.  A mandate applied to all....regardless of belief or support or counsel from colleagues or doctors...or the 26 American States who filed lawsuits opposing such a mandate. He changed the topic from "mandate' to Tax.   His vote "taxed" every "working" American.

So what?   I have a major "so what" to speak.  Roberts re-framing of the topic from "forced to buy" to "taxed" imposed a new TRILLION dollar tax....not equally spread  nor fairly spread but a targeted tax on working Americans...retired Americans and young people trying to enter the work world.  Exempt however, are the illegal aliens , the free-loaders, the welfare pays off crowd and the entitlement folks.   These 30-40 million "takers" will benefit greatly at the expense of the working people of the Country.  The already struggling ....close to foreclosure....working two jobs folks....can just suck it up and keep paying!!!

Almost lost in the mandate talk are the Spiritual implications.  Obama spoke in 2009 and 2010 of "not a tax"...and "keep your doctor" and "no money spent for abortions nor birth control".  Remember the State of the Union address??   Well.....thanks to Justice Roberts.....not only is this now a publicly declared  tax.....but "TS" if you are not in favor of your tax money going to abortions...planned parenthood agendas or free birth control on demand.  The thing which sours  most freedom-loving Americans is bigger and bigger controlling government.  Our Supreme Count today...created a precedent  for more and more intrusion and mandates. Their decision becomes a rallying point for the radicals, abortionists and socialists. Now,Democrats have to run for office on the TRILLION DOLLAR tax precedent set by the court.  Maybe..some thanks is due to Justice Roberts.  As Medicaid demands crush our Healthcare System...we all get to pay.  How's that for a platform to run on.." Vote for me..I'm for a trillion dollar new tax...and oh... BTW...I'm for open borders to bring more applicants for your tax dollars!!".

The next 5 months will prove my case.  A trillion dollar new cost to taxpayers added to 16 trillion dollars in debt currently...and this will be hailed as a presidential victory...a mandate to tax America join the Italy, Spain and Greece socialists.  The operating  idea is to get a  vocal and mobilized minority voting or illegal...reduce the middle-class....crush the spirit of the next generation of workers and finally....make America more dependent upon our government.  In case you missed it....this is right out of the Saul Alinsky "playbook" on How to Bring Down America. the dems smile.....and pat each other on the back.....the Socialist radicals also smile and re-double their efforts to CHANGE (read: destroy) America.  Alinsky said it will work....if a dedicated group spares nothing and creates a "will-of-the-people" appearance to mandates....America will Fall. Obamacare is truly a Trojan Horse...spilling out hordes of sinister rules...regulations....and the left-wing cheers.

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