Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Party ...OMG!!!!

I'm puzzled. Four years ago...prior to the 2008 Election....My friends and I took to the streets of Bishop. Nothing radical....three separate times we took signs supporting our political position and we stood at a stop sign holding our signs. They were very pro- conservative and anti-liberal in their message. I gave lots of thought to the signs based upon the positions both parties were taking.

The signs were supporting the positions reducing interest And...coincidentally....That same night I saw something called "Tea Party" Rallies occuring in several large cities. The first night after our "small-town" street-signs, the news showed huge groups of sign-carriers in big cities and the signs looked a lot like ours. Some of the words were the same. The thought crossed my mind that there were lots of people across the United States with very similiar thoughts. I somehow like this feeling I'm getting. Something good is happening to ordinary folks.

The news reports were negative on these national "Tea Party" people. Nobody covered our morning on the streets of Bishop...we did get a reporter on our second outing....but the reporter was repeating how the network news guys were describing us!!!! We were now part of something bad.... this negative group of "radicals". The news reports have persisted for nearly 4 years. They give the same marginalizing comments .....same negative reports. The difference is that the crowds were growing.....are growing....are speaking out....are being encouraged by recognizable folks. The T-P groups were both having fun and uniting under the same positions....big government is destroying America!!

By the way.... that first morning on the streets.....we were a retired school principal, a retired General Motors manager and a Native American man.....this fledgling tea party group contained a very dangerous and "negative" group of three!!!

Now....4 years have passed ....several elections completed.....several primaries done...Tea-Party folks have prevailed and many pro-TP folks are moving to congress...and still ....the anti-Tea-Party drumbeat continues. This has me puzzled. Even Fox News tries to pad their outright amazement. They couch their support with passive-aggressive commentary. Rove....Charles K.....Bill.....I'm a bit at a loss. Is it that hard to say to their viewers.....We are amazed?...or I'm impressed that ordinary people have found their place in politics. ....or I'm cheering for the American conservatives and their desire to be heard......maybe even..... The "little guys" seem to be winning. Some new reasons to join a TP.......O-care...16 Trillion debt...Solyndra...foreclosures....tripled fuel prices....that's just a small sample.

Was there something in Beck's D.C gathering?...spontaneous Tea Parties happening everywhere....unknowns throwing their "hat in the ring" and upsetting the Big boys? Why is this bothersome to the incumbents....the talking heads.....the media....and certainly the elite-left....and creating this weak but persistant backlash against ordinary Americans participating in the American process???? You can perhaps share in my puzzlement. Government seems to be good for the thugs...socialists....arrogant....and change "artists". However....Conservatives in government??? Heaven forbid!!! Unknowns????? Help!!!!

I say....keep doing what you're doing in being a "little guy" have a huge vote.... come November. Is there a conservative American Sunami on the horizon???

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