Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Party ...OMG!!!!

I'm puzzled. Four years ago...prior to the 2008 Election....My friends and I took to the streets of Bishop. Nothing radical....three separate times we took signs supporting our political position and we stood at a stop sign holding our signs. They were very pro- conservative and anti-liberal in their message. I gave lots of thought to the signs based upon the positions both parties were taking.

The signs were supporting the positions reducing interest And...coincidentally....That same night I saw something called "Tea Party" Rallies occuring in several large cities. The first night after our "small-town" street-signs, the news showed huge groups of sign-carriers in big cities and the signs looked a lot like ours. Some of the words were the same. The thought crossed my mind that there were lots of people across the United States with very similiar thoughts. I somehow like this feeling I'm getting. Something good is happening to ordinary folks.

The news reports were negative on these national "Tea Party" people. Nobody covered our morning on the streets of Bishop...we did get a reporter on our second outing....but the reporter was repeating how the network news guys were describing us!!!! We were now part of something bad.... this negative group of "radicals". The news reports have persisted for nearly 4 years. They give the same marginalizing comments .....same negative reports. The difference is that the crowds were growing.....are growing....are speaking out....are being encouraged by recognizable folks. The T-P groups were both having fun and uniting under the same positions....big government is destroying America!!

By the way.... that first morning on the streets.....we were a retired school principal, a retired General Motors manager and a Native American man.....this fledgling tea party group contained a very dangerous and "negative" group of three!!!

Now....4 years have passed ....several elections completed.....several primaries done...Tea-Party folks have prevailed and many pro-TP folks are moving to congress...and still ....the anti-Tea-Party drumbeat continues. This has me puzzled. Even Fox News tries to pad their outright amazement. They couch their support with passive-aggressive commentary. Rove....Charles K.....Bill.....I'm a bit at a loss. Is it that hard to say to their viewers.....We are amazed?...or I'm impressed that ordinary people have found their place in politics. ....or I'm cheering for the American conservatives and their desire to be heard......maybe even..... The "little guys" seem to be winning. Some new reasons to join a TP.......O-care...16 Trillion debt...Solyndra...foreclosures....tripled fuel prices....that's just a small sample.

Was there something in Beck's D.C gathering?...spontaneous Tea Parties happening everywhere....unknowns throwing their "hat in the ring" and upsetting the Big boys? Why is this bothersome to the incumbents....the talking heads.....the media....and certainly the elite-left....and creating this weak but persistant backlash against ordinary Americans participating in the American process???? You can perhaps share in my puzzlement. Government seems to be good for the thugs...socialists....arrogant....and change "artists". However....Conservatives in government??? Heaven forbid!!! Unknowns????? Help!!!!

I say....keep doing what you're doing in being a "little guy" have a huge vote.... come November. Is there a conservative American Sunami on the horizon???

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bible Burning!

Just a comment on the pastor burning the koran. I am more frustrated by our own government and their tap-dancing routines about separation of church and state.....followed by an obvious negative Christian bias. This deserves comment.

Note again....the government comment....over-the-top doom sayers and their comments. Sad to hear O'reilly call the pastor .....repeatedly.....a nut-case and a loon.

It's ok to declare a community Nativity Scene a horrible abuse of the "pretend" separation clause.

It's ok to fire teachers for having a Bible on their desk.

It's ok to suggest court judges might have a "Christian" bias and disqualify them.

It's ok to "litmus test" people on their abortion stance.

It's ok to defend ACORN as providing services to "needy" people regardless of their tactics. Do we need more??? How about Planned Parenthood PAYING the abortion and death industry $300,000 for Birth Control pills but charging the US taxpayer $900,000 to cover other expences and "overhead". Did you catch that??...charge those who oppose abortion...the taxpayer....THREE times the actual cost for birth control pills.

There are more never-covered items to undermine America. Remember the "let me help you set up a "cat-house"....for under age girls and call it a "business". Remember that assistance exposed on film. Heard any follow up lately? neither.

So....back to koran-burning. Are you aware that a US soldier requested and received Bibles printed in the native language of Afganistan? They were for local adults who requested a Bible in their native language. Here's the interesting part.....5-5-2009....the Bibles were confiscated by the US Military....AND BURNED!!!! Yep...BIBLES BURNED. Now for the hypocrisy. Burn Bibles ok..burn way. Our media....our generals....our pres....all are appealing (and threatening) the pastor if he BURNS THE koran. Even the Black Panthers are threatening the pastor....but that's's always ok to pile-on when Christians are involved.

It isn't that I'm for burning books....but I'm hearing its ok to burn the US's ok to burn Bibles in Afganistan...we can accept students put in foreign prisons...we can speak "strongly" against be-headings and "honor-killings".but we just don't want to upset the "nice, peace-loving muslims" around the world. You know.....the 911 bombers and their friends....the muslim suicide bombers who didn't think twice when killing their own people in the markets and check-points of Iraq and Afganistan. (That's over 40,000 people blown up...murdered....since 2001).

I say....stand up for our Christian Nation....The United States of America....our values....our constitution.....and let(or send) the "ain't it awful about America people" ... to Third World countries to raise opium...try to make a living...fight off the under tyrants or whatever they think is better than living here. Cool it with they threats against our own people....dare we mention Arizona???

Those Anti-American people can then write us about the joys of socialism...tyranny...and dictators in that new country they picked. Write us after ....lets say...three or four years.....give it chance.....don't be in a hurry to run back to this "terrible" capitalist nation. Enough with the hypocrisy in this government....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti's babies and our dilema

Like you, I've been touched by the scenes coming across my television screen this week. I'm especially sad to see the children. I heard with complete shock that Haiti had approxomately 50,000 children in orphanages.....before the earthquake!!!The number now is staggering!

I find a warming in my heart when I see images of rescued babies cradled in the arms of rescue workers! This is good. This is what motivates Americans to act first and act strongly in disasters.....regardless of location. I've seen these scenes faraway places where American soldiers are both fighting and keeping the peace.....they also rise to help the sick and wounded...rescue and comfort children.... Thank you American soldiers.

Here's my deeper hurt.....and my deeper personal conviction. America generously gives....helps rescue....and virtually moves mountains to rescue hurting children and babies in other lands. Simultaneously....our courts and politicians say its ok....even merciful and kill one and a half million American babies each year in abortion clinics all over this land. Thats 1.5 million babies X 39 years..... or 58.5 million babies.....eliminated doctors who promised to "to no harm". I'm finding this hypocrisy cutting deeper and deeper into my soul. The people of the "land of the free and the home of the brave"...kill babies and calls it health care! The country which champions "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"....kills unwanted babies.

This week, I also saw interviews of several families from American cities desperately wanting to adopt babies...even from Haiti. They must seek adoptive children from Haiti, China and Malaysia......not enough babies here.....and too much red tape....and expensive.

Where is justice? Where are the defenders of life? 58 million babies disposed of as football games played out....World Series games unfolded....iPhones were center stage.

We give and we go.....we mobilize and we organize .....we seek to preserve life. That number...... 58 million...... is a large number. It represents America's dilema......and perhaps....our shame.

Here is my dilema to wrestle with...think about....join me. How is it that soldiers, trained to babies....and doctors, trained to save lives....kill them???

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday night ....and Tuesday is coming!

I'm asking myself does Tuesday's senate election matter? I want to say yes. I'm working on a.... does.... mentality. I'm thinking....I must be optimistic! I have to believe that some election.....some place.... in our country matters.

Remember Senate votes in Minnesota? Seems whole precincts voted the same. Amazing!! Votes didn't count....politics did. Remember the Black Panthers with clubs at the polling places in Nov. 2008. 15 democrats this week at the hearing said...."They don't big deal". 48 other incidents regarding 2008 voter intimidation are still awaiting hearings. Mr. Holder is very busy arranging trials for islamic terrorists. (It is 2010...Thanks Mr. Attorney Gen.) How about New York's recent absentee votes in the congressional race.....didn't matter. Heard anything lately on this "too close to call" race? The television media reports this past Friday from Massachusetts politicians (1-15-10)...."Even if the Republican wins in Massachusetts....the outcome won't be certified until after the Healthcare vote". Go back to the rush to seat Al Franken in Minnesota. Remember ACORN? What happened to the multiple votes cast in Minnesota....some even by dead folks? Should we talk about the 12 other states where Acorn influenced voter registration? How's this for current life is America today?

So....Does the vote of Americans count? When I read about men who risked their life so Americans could vote.....who died for America.....who left loved ones to fight in lonely places....who ran into machine gun fire for America....who fought, ate and slept in the bitter winter cold for America...who came home wounded for America....when I read of these heroic men, I'm humbled. And then I think of vote-cheaters and miserable, arrogant "gate-keepers" protecting socialist causes on these same American shores.....I have to work hard to be optmistic.

I want my vote to count. I want your vote to count. Tuesday is coming in Massachusetts.....will the people vote? Who will count the vote? Will the outcome matter? Will we ever really know? I'm working hard on my optimism.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Presidential Management of Major Issues??

As a Middle School Principal I quickly learned that things change quickly on the school campus. Perhaps the operant word here is "common sense". The potential for major problems escalating to crisis status is huge.....even with youngsters. The principal needs to continually know what is going on....who the players are .....and how emanent the coming crisis may be.

The best barometer for the perceptive principal is to be where things are happening. The closer to the source he is, the greater the possibility to de-escalate, de-pressurize or eliminate the stress factors and thereby to neutralize, or at least stabilize, the problem. This sounds downright global in its scope and outcome.

This principal knew the school players well. I knew who needed watching.....who were the reliable informants....when the most man-power was needed....when to act and when to simply be visible....know who is responsible for the chaos and discipline them....and when safely and order is restored..... to enjoy the unique middle school atmosphere.

Things still happen. However.....pre-planning and anticipation of major issues goes a long way toward minimizing the traumatic outcomes. Sitting in the school office and doing nothing is shameful!

When will our administrative leaders apply such elementary lessons of leadership to our country? There is a threat to the well-being of our country. The threat comes in the form of a well-published agenda......destroy America and place it under shariah (islamic) law. Do it "under the radar screen". Recruit sympathic supporters from the mainstream. Spread terror and blame the terror on "overseas fringe" combatants. Use America's "religious freedom" as the smoke screen to operate. Anything like this occuring????

So....who is leading our country through this period? Who is watching? Who is seeking out the disruptive?.....the hateful?.....the terrorists? Who is American? Who are the sympathizers to islam's agenda? Anyone care?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vote and Run

Several Democratic Party congressmen and senators have truly tipped their hand to America's voters. They have been "on board" the O-train since the beginning and are seeing the disaster of their party's ways. Their supportive votes on for terrorist trials... and a host of other anti-mainstream judge appointments and policies are making the home folks angry. When you add their regular and "airy" justification for not understanding O-Care, let alone a reading of it's maze-like politico-speak....they see it's time to "Vote and Run".

What are the results of their corporate sheeple marching? Debt...lots of it and growing! Unemployment...and lots of it. Lay-offs in virtually every town in America. Un-vetted Czars appointed for everything. Fringe characters regularly visiting the WH. Private, closed door meetings to determine America's future! Terrorists attacking America and killing or trying to kill the innocent. Tyranical leadership in both the House and Senate! Broken promises.

So....what's a senator to do???? "Gee...looks like we're in trouble.....I'm in trouble!! Wait a minute......I've got retirement, health benefits of my own...big bank account....friends in high places. That's it...I'll just "vote and run". Whew....for a couple seconds there , I was nervous. Maybe this situation actually might affect me....maybe I'm's someone else's fault....yes...that's's not my fault. Silly me....I'm going home to write my memoirs".

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sarah is a force

The world of politics has prescribed tactics it employs in order for its members to move from one sphere of influence to another. Being popular and "local" is allowed. Influence is limited. Being popular and becoming regional in influence requires permission from Washington's kings and often, the queens. Without previous permission from the political czars, upward moves are strickly forbidden. There is a price to pay in upsetting the "rules".

Last night's interview beteen Greta and Sarah Palin reinforces that in my mind. Sarah seems to care about people. She seems to be interested in America. She seems sincere. She has answers to questions. She is articulate. She has done stuff.

I like people who are honest and have integrity. I like people who defend justice, their faith in God and their country. I tried to teach and model that position for 35 years. I didn't always do the right things. I learned and grew.

I like Sarah's courage and fire. The czars don't like either fire or courage. They like silent tax payers. They fight against both men and women who operate with principles and courage. It frightens them. It upsets their power dreams. It shifts the spotlight away from them.

This coming election will define us as a nation. It will speak loudly as to whether it will be .."we the people".....or we the politicians. Refreshing to me to see folks like Sarah stand tall. I trust there are thousands more.

Friday, January 1, 2010

John Eldredge, Wild at Heart

The encouragement of John Eldredge is powerful for men. His message to men is clear and challenging. Be dangerous for good...dangerous for God. Most Christian men never heard of such a concept. I had never heard anything close to that from any pulpit.

His points of.... being ready to a big adventure.....and winning our beauty's heart and keeping it....are the stuff of passion and challenge. That call has kindled a new fire in me and many other men with whom I've shared this message. I urge men (and women) to read his book. I'd like to hear your comments!