Thursday, June 21, 2012

Short and Selective Memory....Watergate!

Short and Selective Memory...Watergate!! 

Like most of America, I was daily following the Watergate Break-in....back in the day.  John Dean....Charles Colson....Sam Ervin (D)...investigated the affair for the government......Haldeman....and there were many more names which became well-known.  Arrests....resignations....whistle blowers....Presidential resignation!!!  Nightly....some new twist was revealed in the Watergate Affair.  This was supposed to be a "no big deal" event.  It was just part of finding out "dirt" on the other political party.

Eventually America would find out every detail in the break-in.  Men went to prison.  The President knew about it.  He was briefed.  Every effort was made by the Republicans to suppress the details....but he knew.
The drumbeat from the democrats was relentless.  This strange name, WATERGATE, would change America.  The democrats controlled the House and Senate and they persisted.  The initial shreds of conflicting testimony kept leading to deeper things.  The denials became admissions. Sen. Ervin pressed on! The questions began to have answers. No one was exempt from the law!  Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency of the United States. puzzlement rises over the claims by the current White House, that this is nothing...the "need to know" details have been supplied to the investigators. There are calls from the party in power to move forward to "real matters of importance". I swear I've heard these lines before. "It's just politics".  The democrats say that its a minor incident...being abused by the detractors of Mr. Obama.  However....gun's were "walked" across the border to Mexico.  The guns ended up in the hands of thugs and drug dealers.  The Government -supplied guns were found at the murder scene of an American Border agent.  The year long investigation persists....and currently...blocked.   Now...the AG.... Eric Holder retracts statements....mixes up what he knew...changes the time frame and is caught in the lies.  He wouldn't supply his interoffice memos to the Committee....but supplies thousands of unasked for....blacked out and blank pages.... and useless information.  Three democrats proclaimed today (6-22-12) on FOX News....that America needs to go back and investigate President Bush on this.  Amazing deflection!!!!  Finally, the Prez invokes Executive Privilege over things that supposedly DON"T involve him. 

So...let's see what evolves....will the investigators persist????  Will America learn the real facts?  I believe America can hear the facts of "GunGate".  Can the White House hear them?????

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