Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marching to the Socialist Drumbeat!

Marching to the Socialist Drumbeat!

The date will be noted.  The day the Judges split 4-4 of just what constitutes a Government Mandate for Obamacare.  The split doesn't count.  One more vote needed.  The deciding vote was cast.  It was cast by Justice Roberts.....the man appointed by President George Bush.   He changed the course of American history.  His vote upheld a mandate...a government mandate.  A mandate applied to all....regardless of belief or support or counsel from colleagues or doctors...or the 26 American States who filed lawsuits opposing such a mandate. He changed the topic from "mandate' to Tax.   His vote "taxed" every "working" American.

So what?   I have a major "so what" to speak.  Roberts re-framing of the topic from "forced to buy" to "taxed" imposed a new TRILLION dollar tax....not equally spread  nor fairly spread but a targeted tax on working Americans...retired Americans and young people trying to enter the work world.  Exempt however, are the illegal aliens , the free-loaders, the welfare pays off crowd and the entitlement folks.   These 30-40 million "takers" will benefit greatly at the expense of the working people of the Country.  The already struggling ....close to foreclosure....working two jobs folks....can just suck it up and keep paying!!!

Almost lost in the mandate talk are the Spiritual implications.  Obama spoke in 2009 and 2010 of "not a tax"...and "keep your doctor" and "no money spent for abortions nor birth control".  Remember the State of the Union address??   Well.....thanks to Justice Roberts.....not only is this now a publicly declared  tax.....but "TS" if you are not in favor of your tax money going to abortions...planned parenthood agendas or free birth control on demand.  The thing which sours  most freedom-loving Americans is bigger and bigger controlling government.  Our Supreme Count today...created a precedent  for more and more intrusion and mandates. Their decision becomes a rallying point for the radicals, abortionists and socialists. Now,Democrats have to run for office on the TRILLION DOLLAR tax precedent set by the court.  Maybe..some thanks is due to Justice Roberts.  As Medicaid demands crush our Healthcare System...we all get to pay.  How's that for a platform to run on.." Vote for me..I'm for a trillion dollar new tax...and oh... BTW...I'm for open borders to bring more applicants for your tax dollars!!".

The next 5 months will prove my case.  A trillion dollar new cost to taxpayers added to 16 trillion dollars in debt currently...and this will be hailed as a presidential victory...a mandate to tax America join the Italy, Spain and Greece socialists.  The operating  idea is to get a  vocal and mobilized minority voting or illegal...reduce the middle-class....crush the spirit of the next generation of workers and finally....make America more dependent upon our government.  In case you missed it....this is right out of the Saul Alinsky "playbook" on How to Bring Down America. the dems smile.....and pat each other on the back.....the Socialist radicals also smile and re-double their efforts to CHANGE (read: destroy) America.  Alinsky said it will work....if a dedicated group spares nothing and creates a "will-of-the-people" appearance to mandates....America will Fall. Obamacare is truly a Trojan Horse...spilling out hordes of sinister rules...regulations....and the left-wing cheers.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Classless the White House!!!!!

Classless the White House

I know that people visit the White House.  People line up with passes to tour the White House.  Some guests get to stand on the lawn as Foreign Dignitaries visit.  Years ago, I stood in that line and "sort of" saw the Russian President visit George Bush, Sr.  Very impressive.

Recently under the current administration, other "guests" show up at the White House.  A more personal invite comes from the President.  His czars show up regularly.  His political friends come.  The influence sellers and pushers come with invitation.  The "political pressure" groups come.  I don't begrudge the invited ones.  Heck....the Boston Bruins Hockey Team came .....and I can't stand them. Go Kings!!!  Although, I have new respect for Tim Thomas.

Today, 6-22-12,  I saw on several Conservative news postings that another group came to visit the President at the White House.  The gay and lesbian coalition leadership was invited.  They came.  By the way,  I did NOT see any coverage of the event I'm writing about on Network News...not one!!!!  Two of the G/L leaders "gave the finger" to the photo of Ronald Reagan and photographed it in order to memorialize their anger and hate....seems I missed the "Tolerance" symbolism statements.  The president has made no comment on the "finger" photo by his friends.

I'm not only disappointed  (again) in our current president's choice of close friends (read: Wright, Ayers, Sterns...others) but outraged at the hypocrisy America sees from this group displayed against another president's image the White House invited guests.  This is the group who loves to promote their "just" cause.  Ironically, they call for America's pastors to be charged for "hate crimes" if they speak against their lifestyle and about the Bible's position in front of their congregations.  This group's leaders....however...are free to express their personal and PUBLIC hate and anger....against a former president of the United States....and flaunt it!

Does anybody see a problem with this group's leadership....with this current president's choice of friends? Do you see the hypocrisy??? Would you see a problem with voting for his re-election....and four more years of this?????

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Short and Selective Memory....Watergate!

Short and Selective Memory...Watergate!! 

Like most of America, I was daily following the Watergate Break-in....back in the day.  John Dean....Charles Colson....Sam Ervin (D)...investigated the affair for the government......Haldeman....and there were many more names which became well-known.  Arrests....resignations....whistle blowers....Presidential resignation!!!  Nightly....some new twist was revealed in the Watergate Affair.  This was supposed to be a "no big deal" event.  It was just part of finding out "dirt" on the other political party.

Eventually America would find out every detail in the break-in.  Men went to prison.  The President knew about it.  He was briefed.  Every effort was made by the Republicans to suppress the details....but he knew.
The drumbeat from the democrats was relentless.  This strange name, WATERGATE, would change America.  The democrats controlled the House and Senate and they persisted.  The initial shreds of conflicting testimony kept leading to deeper things.  The denials became admissions. Sen. Ervin pressed on! The questions began to have answers. No one was exempt from the law!  Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency of the United States. puzzlement rises over the claims by the current White House, that this is nothing...the "need to know" details have been supplied to the investigators. There are calls from the party in power to move forward to "real matters of importance". I swear I've heard these lines before. "It's just politics".  The democrats say that its a minor incident...being abused by the detractors of Mr. Obama.  However....gun's were "walked" across the border to Mexico.  The guns ended up in the hands of thugs and drug dealers.  The Government -supplied guns were found at the murder scene of an American Border agent.  The year long investigation persists....and currently...blocked.   Now...the AG.... Eric Holder retracts statements....mixes up what he knew...changes the time frame and is caught in the lies.  He wouldn't supply his interoffice memos to the Committee....but supplies thousands of unasked for....blacked out and blank pages.... and useless information.  Three democrats proclaimed today (6-22-12) on FOX News....that America needs to go back and investigate President Bush on this.  Amazing deflection!!!!  Finally, the Prez invokes Executive Privilege over things that supposedly DON"T involve him. 

So...let's see what evolves....will the investigators persist????  Will America learn the real facts?  I believe America can hear the facts of "GunGate".  Can the White House hear them?????

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just Say Goodbye to Eric Holder!

 Just Say Goodbye to Eric Holder!

Amazing ......a three year discussion has unfolded both here and on Facebook.  The topic has been...Cabinet...Czars...and advisors to the prez.  This voice has persisted on the lack of experience and balance on the part of these "directors" of the American dream.

I've been writing consistently on those advisors who have a direct connection to the Oval Office.  Interesting to that..... while I've cited facts...and posed debate partners cite my lack of balance and my intolerance.  Both are "tired" commentary but I've keep commenting.  My concern started with the admission by the Black Panthers that they were at the Polling location....carried clubs....and spoke about who to vote for....but their defense was that they had no ill-intent.  Holder dismissed the case. friend, who is a long-time poll volunteer locally, mentioned to her table mates during a slow period on voting day 2008.....that she hoped more Republicans would show up to vote.  She was dismissed from her volunteer efforts as being a hindrance to the "democratic process"....for making partisan comments.  I'm at a loss at the standards we either ignore or enforce.

 Back to Eric Holder.  Do you remember who was the defender of the building of the mosque at Ground Zero. was Eric Holder who jumped in and again, defended anti-Americans.  That would be C.A.I.R.....also known as the Muslim Brotherhood.  This is the same group who is taking over Libya and Egypt. Meanwhile ....Holder dismisses the case against the Black Panthers.   You decide!

10 months ago after hearing about Fast and Furious....I began the process of watching the news...listing to the left and right....but somewhat suspicious as more and more questions were raised....and less and less real information was disclosed from the AG office.  An American Border Guard was killed because of the actions surrounding F & F.  Sounds important to least.

Now .....almost a year later...guess what??? In the space of just a couple days .....three instances of sworn testimony by the AG in front of Congress have been retracted by AG  Eric Holder......AND....the White House now is exercising Executive Privilege...over the matter.  Senators and the Congressional Committee are pressing for more more revealing information comes to light....retractions come and the White House puts up a wall. America's elected leaders are seeing less and less of the requested information from the AG.  As the lawyer says...."if you have nothing to hide....tell the truth".  This latest blockage is coming from the 2008 "open and transparent" prez!!!!!

I remember a minor incident in the sixties...hardly got noticed for a while....suppressed truth might say.
As soon as the press got wind of it....investigations began...information was hidden.  America demanded to know the truth.  The  Nixon White House was involved.  You might remember the minor incident.....Watergate.  We needed a stand-up president then....and now.  That President ....Richard Nixon.....resigned the Presidency of the United States over that "small" incident. Eric Holder.....or maybe Goodbye to........

Monday, June 18, 2012

Public Schools....Did you know??

Here's an ordinary question?   It has to do with school.  Easy answer right?  After all....we've all been to school.  We learned....listened.....played....formed friendships.....graduated.  Go ahead....ask away!!

Here it is...Where does the information which is taught in the classroom come from?  If you said..."text books" get partial credit.  If you said..."from the people who write the textbooks" get an "A".

The textbooks are written....selectively approved by the State Board of Education...passed on to school districts....given to teachers who select one (1) for each subject.....they are bought with State tax money....placed in classrooms....librarians number them....children cover them with brown paper bags....information goes to your child.   Sound good.... right?????

Here's the reason why I'm writing today.   While, at one time, publishers wrote their books, made a presentation to teachers and local curriculum committees made the initial selections...and the staff decided which one(s) were best.......that process has changed!!  The "openness" of competing publishers has been changed.   The State Board of Education is now deciding which three (3) publishers that teachers will see.  The teacher must choose one of the three pre-screened publishers.  Tax money for purchase will only be given if one of their three is chosen.  Parenthetically, if a school chooses to pick another publisher.....they pay for them from general funds.  Does anyone see a problem developing here??????

Forgive the obvious...the State Board of Education does not have time to read all the publishers.  They must rely on advising minions and lobbyists.  So....depending on the political slant of the Board...the advising group are the  real selectors of what your children learn in the public schools.   Do you think this is good?  Fair?  Unbiased?  Open?  Have you considered the political slant of California over the past few generations??  Who might be appointed to a State Board of Education?  Who might appoint them?  One man listed as an adviser to the State Board of Education....for middle east history....listed USC as his alma Mater.  He helped write the tone and slant on the current Middle East affairs for the approved California State History texts.....perhaps it was Social Studies...its one of those.  Unfortunately....USC can't verify that the adviser has any affiliation with them!!!!!!!!  Bias perhaps?????   Just one example....there are more. goes on.  Teachers are on summer vacation....textbook publishers are arranging dinners and lunch presentations for the State Board of Education.  Advisers are busy presenting their biased viewpoints in California textbooks.....and your child and grandchildren are going to return to public school in the Fall......and learn about America........really??????  Maybe a private school or home-school possibility could be an option for your family.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day 2012...for some peace...others

I had a great Dad. He died a few years ago. I have many good memories today...wish I could have another coffee with him. I'm drinking an afternoon cup of coffee with his memory now....using his favorite cup. I have no regretful moments with him....none. I have just a longing to hold his hand.....see him pull into my driveway....and hear his laugh....

Recently, we had a man join our 6:00 am Men's Bible Study. He was invited by one of our local sheriffs during a break in court proceedings. He came. The personal issues facing him were huge. It's sufficient to say....huge! During his third meeting with us ....studying the Gospel of John....I had been sharing on the Holy Spirit's love for us. I had some olive oil with me and I asked him if he wanted to be anointed with oil. He said ...yes... so the men joined around him and prayed. He had tears in his eyes and he was more at peace then I remember seeing him. He came two more Wednesday mornings. Two weeks went by and we didn't see him. I got a cell call on Saturday morning...two weeks before today's Fathers Day. This man had hung himself. His son found him. All five of the man's children are numb with grief.

At this point, I have at least 4 more stories to tell about this wrenching and unexplainable story. Someday soon ....maybe....I hope I can tell some of those stories. No story explains the burning unanswered question of this tragedy ....the why? I went to the man's home that day. I offered my best comfort.....God's Word.  I went to the funeral. The grief was thick. The "why" questions persisted. Today is Father's Day. I have great memories of my hero dad. I was there as he passed into God's arms at 87 years old. The children, parents and friends of the man I spoke of.... also have some good memories but they don't have their dad. He is gone too soon...48 years old. Untimely death...gone too soon.

This story is a bit choppy and limited....but it is true....way too true!! If your dad is near....hug him. If he is at a and speak words of love and appreciation to him. If he is estranged from you....give God a call and see if He can help you to start a healing in the break. God loves healing! If your Dad is gone...hold onto the good....pass on the good....his legacy is alive in you. I will continue to help with the healing in the five children and family I've shared about. I'll need help...I'm confident that there is more to tell... good from evil....healing from pain...light from the dark...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Trying to Compute...not working

I've been following the you perhaps. I'm watching the home foreclosures...across the country. Isn't almost everyone? The American Dream is tied to owning a home. It's currently very hard to make the dream happen. Young couples paying off college debt, financing a car, trying to pay rent, attempting to buy health insurance and save $30,000 as a down payment for the starter a struggle. Add this....wife loses job or husband is laid off. At that point moving home with the parents begins to be option "A". It's even worse if a couple bought their home in ....lets say .....1975. Probably one refinance for a kitchen for children...or a wedding or two. It's looking like a mortgage payoff could be coming. Only $18,000 left!!!!!  Sorry......It will never be paid off.

Then prez-"O"...comes on the scene....its 2008. The factory closes in 2009. The early Social Security check and the pension....aren't covering the bills nor the commute to find work. Unexpected layoff for his wife. The 401k is now less than $140 per month. Fuel has is up work. Unemployment benefits ended in 2011. Payments on the house mortgage stopped in 2011.....this family ceased paying it 9 months ago. In April of 2012....this former Viet Nam veteran and his wife....packed his car trailer with some items .....and drove away from their neighborhood of 37 years. He isn't sure where to go right now....he's considering strongly his 87 years old mother's home for now.

92% of the prez's advisors have never had experience running or managing a business. They are pals....politicians.  If I had made up the foreclosure story for dramatic bad. know that guy. You know his probably went to school with him. Your kids played together. He is real. His story is occurring about every 20 minutes across the country.

Would you say that the great "HOPE and CHANGE" guy is very over-rated???? His ideas and giveaways and entitlements have failed to help the "HEART and SOUL" guys of the USA. But....the bloated government workers....the slackers ...the gimees....the takers....the illegals...the politicians and the Union leaders....they are smiling. I'm not....this just doesn't compute.