Thursday, December 31, 2009

Video of John Eldredge, Wild at Heart

Graham and Greta Regarding Holder

Trial of KSM in New York

I am dismayed at the power exercised by AG Eric Holder in the matter regarding the upcoming trial of KSM. I watched the senate inquiry of the AG and the questions posed regarding this trial. My dismay is that not only were the questions fair but they were proposed by senators from both sides of the aisle. However weak the liberal side is, they at least posed questions. The answers given by Holder were uninspired and without either passion not conviction. They were rote and if pulled from a distant college lecture.

How does a man arrive at such limited, whimsical and breezy positions.....and be allowed to persist in them without challenge?? When finally asked by Sen. Graham about the precendent used to arrive at a position of offering full court protections and techniques to KSM, there was massive "political speak" given. Sadly, the more he spoke, he deeper the hole of confusion became as to....why was a war terrorist allowed criminal court rights?

Such a trial has never occurred in the history of the United States and Graham stated that fact. Holder just looked bored and uncaring. Holder's response? "I have determined...." Why is a cabinet official allowed to determine on his own to set the precedents affecting American court proceedings? Where is the challenge?

I am dismayed and puzzled as to why the law minds of our nation can't or choose not to....challenge this?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lt. Gen Wm. Boykin comments 12-29

I watched with interest as Gen. Boykin spoke about Islam. Both his first hand knowledge and opinion serve as a warning and wake-up to America regarding the deceptions of Islam. His comments about the cumulative destructive recent events by Muslims is eye-opening. Their true, imbeded "religious" message, regarding the destruction of all non-muslims, motivates the jihad. The quick-fix for being exalted to "heaven" is martyrdom. Case in point.....Ft. Hood murders, Underware Bomber and proclamations by KSM begin to fit together and force the observer to "connect the dots".

I caught this on God TV last night at the Morningstar Conference. Gen. Boykin has appeared on major networks and FOX as a commentator. This warning was direct and severe. Beginning with the USS Cole and moving forward to Christmas Day 2009....reasonable folks would begin to question National policies regarding Muslims and PC observations by politicians. There is a cold wind blowing. Final was introduced today on FOX that perhaps poverty in Nigeria motivated this bomber....How's that for PC.....And a down-grading of personal responsibility AND a lack of pointing to the source of this potential horror???